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more than just an Operator

Now-a-days, Most people in this industry know a little more than their favorite part of the occupation, i.e., a filmmaker can be a writer, an editor, a producer and maybe even an actor. It's all over the place with each person. For myself, I am a Camera Operator, a Editor, an Administrative Coordinator, a Reviewer, an Equipment Manager, a Photographer, a Hiring Manager, an aspiring Olympic Track & Field Athlete, a Guitar player, basic I.T. Specialist and now a Social Media Analyst and Blogger.

It's interesting to me--How one person can reflect so many different occupations at once. It's incredible actually. Being diverse within yourself can lead to seeing more in others than just a face, a name and their occupation. It can make you believe that people are so much more intriguing than they look.

That's why I wrote this article. To exemplify the meaning of talent, expertise, and growth. Together, these parts of me create the ultimate package of where I can go, what I can provide for people and what I want to do with my career.

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